To schedule Front Porch Project training or to learn more, please email

Have you found yourself concerned for a child and thought about how you could have gotten involved? Or more importantly, wondered why you didn’t?

The Front Porch Project® training for community members looks at why people do (and don’t) get involved and provides strategies on how you can help by stepping in and supporting families. As the pandemic continues, families continue to face immense stress. It’s important, now more than ever, to know how you can help to support families. By attending this training, you are joining a community of Mainers committed to help prevent future tragedies from occurring to any more of our children. The training is free, available online, and available to anyone in the state.

Specifically, this training teaches you to:

  • Increase your awareness of importance of prevention in helping to protect children and support families.
  • Identify and develop comfort with a range of parenting approaches.
  • Identify when and how to get involved in situations involving a child.
  • Think of possible responses, interventions and problem-solving strategies.
  • Identify “roadblocks” to stepping in and find safe ways around them.
  • Increase your comfort level with stepping into those situations.
  • Understand the impact that culture, gender and socioeconomic status can have on parenting and on actions to you might take on behalf of children.
  • Reach out to others in your community to protect children and support families.

The Front Porch Project® of Maine is a community response initiative, funded in part by donations to the Maine Children’s Trust on behalf of Marissa Kennedy, a child tragically lost to child abuse.