Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world. ~Desmond Tutu

Susan distributes pantry bags to Head Start families.
MMCA’s Head Start and Early Head Start staff have been hard at work supporting the children and families in our program. In addition to packets of learning and activity materials, we have been distributing over 350 pantry bags assembled by Midcoast Hunger Prevention Program (MCHPP) using food donated by Good Shepherd Food Bank.

Hunter’s smile says it all!
Also going out this week was soap and toothpaste donated by Renys in bags that they also donated! Finally, many families received diapers donated by the United Way of Mid Coast Maine.
As we move through this challenging time, we will continue to work so that our Head Start children will continue to progress developmentally and families will have what they need to keep their children safe and healthy. And we will do this work using protocols to ensure the health and safety of our staff, families and our community.

Essentials donated by Reny’s.

Diapers from United Way and other donors.